Can’t believe it’s already school time, here in the South. Seems we go back earlier and earlier each year. But, we do get out in the 3rd week of May, so the payoff is pretty awesome.
One thing I notice each year are the different types of parents and how they handle when school starts. They are all so vastly different and I have learned to cherish each and every one of them.
The Veteran – this is the parent who has gone through multiple children in the school system. They kind of remind you of the Weasleys from Harry Potter. The Veteran doesn’t let anything bother them and keeps a positive attitude in their household, no matter what.
The Nervous Nelly – This is the parent who is so worried they might miss something. This parent makes sure that every document is filled out and nothing is left blank, the kids have brand new clothes at the beginning of the summer and they stay in the closet, pristine, until school starts (including shoes) and they start calling in January to sign up for our after school program. I never have to worry about missing anything with them, because they are 12 steps ahead of me.
The Hippy – These parents are not actual hippies. But they are so laid back, they never worry about anything. They know, if something gets forgotten, someone will help them get it done. They sign their child up the week before or the day school starts. Sometimes there isn’t any room at afterschool, but they don’t stress because it will all work out.
The Newby – This parent is frantic about everything. It’s their first child’s first year at school. Either Pre-K or Kindergarten. Phase in days were designed for them, not the kids. It’s not easy to let go of your first child, to someone else’s care. The Newby will worry about everything for the first 3-6 months of school. Making sure their child is well adjusted and can handle it all. There will be tons of pictures of this child, every day, every outfit, school event and first milestone. Don’t worry, by the second child, you will barely remember to brush their hair before they leave the house.
The Double Checker – This parent constantly makes sure nothing is missed. They will check to make sure their child is signed up for every event and triple and quadruple check as well. I never hesitate to check, when they ask, because sometimes I’m overloaded and don’t write things down. And I miss getting it done.
The In-Betweener. This parent tries to be organized, on time, prepared and makes checklists for checklists. Life usually intercedes and they have to adapt. This is my personal parenting style. Prepare as much as possible and fill in the blanks.
There are other types as well, but these are the main ones I see the most. Each parent is as special as their children and I love getting to work with all the different personalities. They all share one common bond, they care deeply about their children and want to see them succeed. We shall that same goal.